Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gwen Shapira on SSD

If you haven’t seen Gwen Shapira’s article about de-confusing SSD, I recommend that you read it soon.

One statement stood out as an idea on which I wanted to comment:
If you don’t see significant number of physical reads and sequential read wait events in your AWR report, you won’t notice much performance improvements from using SSD.
I wanted to remind you that you can do better. If you do notice a significant number of physical reads and sequential write wait events in your AWR report, then it’s still not certain that SSD will improve the performance of the task whose performance you’re hoping to improve. You don’t have to guess about the effect that SSD will have upon any business task you care about. In 2009, I wrote a blog post that explains.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes people ask me "will an SSD make my server faster?" I tell them an SSD will speed up anything that is slow because of the hard drive.


    "OK, I understand. So will it make my server faster?"

    Of course I try to actually be more helpful than that :-D
